UQ implements quality assurance processes to maintain our commitment to the highest standards of teaching, research and scholarship.
Our goal is to provide a comprehensive teaching and learning experience that promotes the values – collaboration, diversity and innovation – that will help our graduates find success in our increasingly globalised world.
This is achieved through processes that are developed in line with UQ's Strategic Plan 2022-2025 to monitor, review and enhance the teaching and learning experience for staff and students.
Surveys and reviews
Regular surveys and reviews are conducted to ensure our teaching and learning initiatives continue to align with the University's strategic direction. These include:
- Student Evaluation of Course and Teaching (SECaT) and Student Evaluation of Tutors (SETutor)
- Annual Academic Quality Assurance process (AQA)
- Academic Program Reviews
- External surveys.
The purpose of each is to use student perspectives, industry and higher education benchmarks, and analytical evidence to gain insight into the effectiveness and relevance of our curricula, pedagogies and assessment. These tools also tell us about the broader student experience and outcomes.
These measures assure continued improvement of our programs and their delivery, providing students with a valuable qualification and enriching experience.